Nöjd? We think we complain about everything, but according to the latest well-being index from OECD, Swedes are actually happy - or, maybe content (nöjd in Swedish) is a better word - with most things in life. Except salaries, that is. The index measures well-being in eleven different categories (such as living, health, security and income). Though not happy with their income, Swedes are happy with their environment, but also life in general. In terms of health, life expectancy at birth is 81.2 years, nearly two years above the OECD average. In Sweden, 85% of adults aged 25 to 64 have earned the equivalent of a high-school diploma, higher than the OECD average. The average Swedish household earned 26 543 USD in 2008, more than the OECD average. And most impressive: Sweden is on top of the list when compared with other OECD member countries. The country that performed best in overall well-being was Australia, followed by Canada, and then, on the third spot, Sweden. Down at the bottom we find Turkey (the Turks aren’t happy about their living situation nor about their income), Mexico, and Estonia.
For more information: www.oecdbetterlifeindex.org